G20 finance chiefs clash, no joint statement on Gaza, Ukraine.

March 1, 2024
1 min read

Article Summary


  • G20 finance chiefs failed to agree on a joint statement amid debates on Gaza and Ukraine.
  • Brazil, the host of the meeting, prepared its own summary instead of a shared communique.

Article Summary

Finance leaders from the G20 major economies, meeting in Brazil, were unable to reach a consensus on a joint statement due to divisions over the wars in Gaza and Ukraine. The Brazilian Finance Minister noted that a lack of consensus among foreign ministers had “contaminated” the financial talks, leading to Brazil preparing its own summary. Geopolitical tensions between Russia and major Western nations affected the discussions, with disagreements over wording concerning the wars and disagreements on how to refer to the conflicts.

Despite attempts to focus on economic cooperation and issues like climate change and poverty, the discussions veered towards the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. While Brazilian officials had set clear priorities, such as a proposal for a global minimum wealth tax, the disagreements surrounding the geopolitical issues overshadowed the formal agenda. Despite the tensions, the head of the United Nations Development Program praised Brazil’s presidency, highlighting the proposed tax on billionaires as a step to address inequality.

Brazil aims to craft a statement on international taxation by the group’s next summit, with support from countries like France for a global minimum tax on the wealthiest individuals. Overall, the finance talks at the G20 meeting were impacted by the ongoing conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine, showcasing the challenges faced in reaching a consensus on both financial and geopolitical issues.

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