Introducing Fintech Maslow: Affordable financial services challenging traditional profit models.

March 25, 2024
1 min read


  • Fintech startup Maslow aims to disrupt the traditional profit model by offering financial services at cost through a value-centric approach.
  • Maslow plans to introduce a digital platform that offers customers access to financial products and services at cost price, supported by a monthly subscription fee.

In a bid to revolutionize the finance industry, Fintech startup Maslow is raising funds on Birchal to offer financial services at cost, disrupting the traditional profit model. Founded in Melbourne in 2023, Maslow’s mission is to transform the finance industry from a profit-centric to a value-centric model, aiming to turn the retail finance industry into a global utility equitably owned by its users. The company plans to introduce a digital platform that offers customers access to financial products and services at cost price, supported by a value-based monthly subscription fee, thereby aligning profits with service quality rather than product volume or profit margins.

Maslow sets itself apart with a unique ownership and shareholder structure designed to maximize social good and ensure long-term sustainability. Initially, 5% of the company will be owned by customers, with a vision to increase customer ownership through a cap on investor returns and a process for transferring equity to customers. The startup’s product range, including banking, insurance, investment products, priced at cost, emphasizes transparency and fairness. Through strategic partnerships and investments, Maslow aims to offer competitive, non-extractive financial solutions in contrast to high-fee, low-transparency products dominating the market.

Maslow addresses issues of exclusion and inequality in the traditional banking industry, aiming to democratize access to financial services and serve society’s interests. The founders bring diverse expertise to the table, with Kane Jackson leading the charge as CEO, Mina Calvert as CTO, and Caitlin Robinson as COO. The company is at the pre-product stage, focusing on developing a platform to offer financial services at cost through a monthly subscription, with scalability and global expansion on the horizon.

Expressions of interest are open on Birchal until a specified date, giving investors an opportunity to be part of Maslow’s mission to reshape the financial services industry for the betterment of society.

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