From code to cashflow: Unleashing the potential of tech in finance

February 15, 2024
1 min read

In a recent trend among technology graduates and experienced employees, there has been a shift away from traditional tech roles and towards opportunities in finance. A study by Handshake found that the volume of resumes sent to internet and software companies has decreased, while the financial sector has seen an increase in job applicants with technology backgrounds. This shift can be attributed to the growing importance of technology in the finance industry, with investment managers needing sophisticated tools to navigate the complex financial markets. Artificial intelligence has particularly promising applications in investment management. This trend is also observed in Israel, where the number of employees in tech roles outside of the tech industry has grown by over 30% in the past decade. As financial services organizations invest more in technology, there is an increased demand for skilled tech employees, leading to the opening of innovation and research centers by global financial players in Israel. Despite the challenges faced by the technology industry, there are still opportunities for tech talent in finance and other industries, with many organizations recognizing the critical role of technology in their businesses.

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