Fintech’s future shines if given enough time to refine.

January 16, 2024
2 mins read


In this article, TechCrunch discusses the use of cookies and personal data by websites and apps owned by the Yahoo family of brands, including TechCrunch, Yahoo, and AOL. They explain that cookies and similar technologies are used to store and retrieve information from users’ devices, and these cookies serve various purposes such as providing site functionality, improving security, and measuring user activity. They also mention the use of personalized ads and content based on interest profiles, as well as the ability for users to customize their privacy settings.

Key points:

  • The Yahoo family of brands, including TechCrunch, Yahoo, and AOL, use cookies to provide their sites and apps to users.
  • Cookies are used to authenticate users, apply security measures, prevent spam and abuse, and measure user activity on their sites and apps.
  • If users accept all cookies, their personal data, such as IP address, location, and browsing/search data, may be used for personalized ads, measuring ad effectiveness, and improving products and services.
  • Users have the option to reject all cookies or customize their privacy settings.

In the age of digital technology and online services, the use of cookies has become a common practice for websites and apps. These small text files, placed on users’ devices, allow website operators to store and retrieve information necessary for the functioning of their platforms. In the case of the Yahoo family of brands, including TechCrunch, Yahoo, and AOL, cookies are utilized to provide users with a seamless experience, ensure security, and measure user engagement.

Authentication of users is a key function of cookies. By storing authentication tokens, websites and apps can remember users’ logins and maintain their sessions, allowing for easy access and personalized experiences. Additionally, cookies enable the application of security measures by tracking and identifying potentially harmful activities, such as spamming and abusive behavior. These measures contribute to the overall safety and integrity of the platforms.

Moreover, the Yahoo family of brands leverages cookies to measure the use of their sites and apps. This data is vital for understanding user behavior, preferences, and engagement. By analyzing metrics such as page views, time spent on site, and click-through rates, these brands can tailor their content and improve the overall user experience.

One notable aspect mentioned by TechCrunch is the use of personalized ads and content based on interest profiles. By collecting users’ personal data, including IP address, precise location, and browsing/search data, these brands can display targeted advertisements and content that align with users’ interests and preferences. This not only benefits advertisers by reaching their desired audience but also enhances user experiences by presenting relevant and engaging material.

However, TechCrunch emphasizes that users have control over their privacy. By clicking the “Reject all” option, users can prevent the use of cookies and personal data for additional purposes such as personalized ads. Alternatively, users can customize their privacy settings to fine-tune their preferences and choose the specific functions they are comfortable with.

In conclusion, the use of cookies by websites and apps within the Yahoo family of brands serves multiple purposes, including site functionality, security, and user engagement measurement. The ability to provide personalized ads and content based on interest profiles offers increased relevance and value to users, but it is important to note that users have the autonomy to customize their privacy settings and limit the use of their personal data.

(Word count: 460)

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