Banking thrives, defying economic hurdles.

January 22, 2024
1 min read


  • The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr. Ernest Addison, has stated that Ghana’s banking sector remains strong, liquid, and profitable despite economic challenges faced over the past year.
  • Dr. Addison assured that banks have been able to weather the difficulties and maintain strong balance sheets.
  • He noted that inflation has reduced significantly due to solid monetary policies and currency stability supported by foreign exchange reserves.

The Governor of the Bank of Ghana (BoG), Dr. Ernest Addison, has emphasized that Ghana’s banking sector continues to be sound, liquid, and profitable, despite economic headwinds faced over the past year. Speaking during a joint press conference with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on January 19, Dr. Addison commented on the financial stability of the banking system. He reassured that banks have been able to weather the difficulties and maintain strong balance sheets.

Dr. Addison acknowledged that Ghana’s economy has faced challenges such as high inflation and debt, but highlighted that the banking sector remains resilient. He noted that the country’s inflation rate has significantly reduced from over 50% last year to around 23% currently. He attributed this progress to solid monetary policies and currency stability, supported by foreign exchange reserves.

The Governor highlighted that the Bank of Ghana will closely monitor banks’ efforts to restore their capital in line with approved plans. Support from the Ghana Financial Stability Fund will be provided to banks following the impact of the Domestic Debt Exchange Programme (DDEP).

Although Ghana’s economy has been affected by various economic challenges, Dr. Addison’s statements emphasize that the banking sector has remained strong. The reduction in inflation and the efforts to restore banks’ capital demonstrate the resilience of the banking system.

This reassurance from the BoG Governor is important for investors and businesses in Ghana, as a stable and profitable banking sector is crucial for economic growth and development. It highlights the effectiveness of the monetary policies implemented by the Bank of Ghana and the government’s commitment to maintaining a sound financial system.

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