2025 Fintech Pledge: 10 Million Consumer Actions, Goal Extended

January 27, 2024
1 min read


Zopa Bank and ClearScore’s 2025 Fintech Pledge, which aims to drive consumer actions to improve financial resilience, has achieved its goal of 10 million actions 24 months ahead of schedule. The Pledge incentivizes collaboration and connection between consumers and fintech platforms that help with savings, credit scores, debt consolidation, and lowering household costs. Building on this success, the Pledge’s founding members have decided to extend the goal to 25 million actions due to persisting above-target inflation. The Pledge has also introduced a new pillar to help consumers make the most of income-related benefits.

Key points:

  • The 2025 Fintech Pledge, created by Zopa Bank and ClearScore, has achieved its goal of 10 million consumer actions ahead of schedule.
  • The Pledge incentivizes collaboration and connection between consumers and fintech platforms to improve financial resilience.
  • The founding members have extended the goal to 25 million actions to address above-target inflation.
  • A new pillar is introduced to help consumers make the most of income-related benefits.

Key achievements to date:

  • The coalition has amassed 50 members with a combined customer base of over 25 million.
  • More than 10 million actions have been taken to improve financial resilience.
  • 30% of its members are based outside of London.
  • The Money Charity has delivered workshops that significantly increased the financial capability of participants, from 45% to 82%.
  • The content hub Master My Money and the Pledge’s TikTok campaign (@mastermymoney) help consumers better understand and manage their money.
  • Zopa Bank and Google Cloud engineers have built solutions to improve financial resilience using Generative AI and Large Language Models.
  • The Pledge won the Best Partnership and Collaboration Initiative 2023 at the Pay 360 Award.
  • ClearScore and StepChange have partnered to integrate a debt charity’s referral tool into ClearScore’s mobile app.

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