2024: Women in finance seek more leadership roles and advancement.

February 20, 2024
1 min read

Article Summary


  • Initial responses from the Women in Finance 2024 survey highlight senior representation and career progression as key issues.
  • Over 170 responses received, with the survey closing at the end of the month.

The Women in Finance 2024 survey conducted by Responsible Investor has garnered significant attention, with over 170 responses indicating key concerns within the industry. One of the main issues flagged by respondents is the lack of senior representation and obstacles to career progression for women in finance. This sheds light on the ongoing challenges faced by women in the financial sector.

The survey, which is set to close at the end of the month, aims to provide insights into the experiences and perspectives of women working in finance. By addressing issues such as senior representation and career advancement, the survey seeks to drive meaningful discussions and potential solutions to improve gender equality within the industry.

With initiatives like these surveys, there is hope for progress towards a more diverse and inclusive financial sector that can better support and empower women in their professional endeavors.

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