Discover the roar of ‘loud budgeting’ and why Gen Zs love it.

January 29, 2024
1 min read


Gen Zs are embracing a financial trend called “loud budgeting,” which involves openly acknowledging financial limitations and directing money towards meaningful savings goals. The trend was started by TikTok creator Lukas Battle, who encourages transparency about finances with friends to facilitate open discussions about budgets and future plans.

Key Points:

  • “Loud budgeting” is a financial trend embraced by Gen Zs
  • It involves openly acknowledging financial limitations and focusing on meaningful savings goals
  • TikTok creator Lukas Battle started the trend and encourages financial transparency
  • Many people are reacting positively to the trend, but some are questioning the need to label everything

Gen Zs, the youngest generation of adults, are embracing a financial trend called “loud budgeting” that involves openly acknowledging financial limitations and directing money towards meaningful savings goals. The trend was started by TikTok creator Lukas Battle and has gained popularity, particularly among young people.

In a viral TikTok video, Battle explained that “loud budgeting” is not about not having enough money but rather about choosing not to spend unnecessarily. He encourages his followers to be transparent about their finances with friends and have open discussions about budgets and future plans. This can make it easier to decline invitations for expensive dinners or trips and avoid uncomfortable situations when splitting bills.

Some people have reacted positively to the trend, appreciating the focus on financial transparency and thoughtful spending. One individual on Twitter commented, “Quiet luxury is out in 2024 and loud budgeting is in.” However, others have questioned the need to label this trend and wonder if it is just another passing fad.

Overall, “loud budgeting” is a financial trend that appeals to Gen Zs and promotes financial transparency and responsible spending. By openly acknowledging financial limitations and focusing on meaningful savings goals, young adults can develop healthier financial habits and make more intentional decisions about their money.

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